Aaron Kroger, Dalet: We will continue developing the AI theme

Aaron Kroger, Product Marketing Lead, Dalet, in TFT1957’s “2030: The year 2030: AI or engineer?”

Aaron Kroger, Product Marketing Lead, Dalet, in TFT1957’s “The year 2030: AI or engineer?”.

  1. How will the broadcasting industry and broadcast technologies change in the next 5 years?
  2. How will AI change your business segment? 
  3. Which professions will AI displace in the broadcasting technology industry by 2030?

  1. I think we’ll really see AI being integrated into daily workflows. At Dalet, we see AI being implemented in a practical way, focusing on driving efficiencies. It may not be the flashiest AI but is practical, using tools like speech-to-text and translation to enhance existing workflows. This allows people to create content with the same resources and deliver it to a more diverse audience. With global outreach, AI will help localize content, allowing audiences to connect more closely.

I think further down the road, we’ll continue to expand upon this. At the end of the day, news is all about storytelling, and our focus is on a story-centric model in terms of workflow and the people creating stories. We believe storytelling is innate to human nature, and while AI can increase efficiency, it’s ultimately people who create and share stories for others to consume.

2. AI is enabling companies to create more content and reach different channels and distribution platforms. This allows them to expand their audience and adapt to changing business models. Our technology is helping to enable this evolution, allowing companies to transform their current operations and deliver more to their audience.

3. Our approach to AI is additive and enabling. It’s about reducing expenses and increasing efficiencies, allowing current operations to produce more and reduce tedious and laborious work. This shift enables people to focus on storytelling instead of mundane tasks. It’s not about replacing jobs but enhancing the ability to create more content and connect better with audiences.

All the opinions of industry leaders can be seen in the survey “Year 2030: AI or Engineer?”.

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