Accentize in 360 Seconds

Accentize has released version 1.2.0 of its flagship speech restoration plugin, dxRevivePro

360 Seconds. Broadcast News & Commentary is a weekly program on Youtube about the latest equipment for broadcasting and film. Explained by experts – practitioners directly working in the field of cinema and television.

Hosts: Philip Grossman, host and co-producer at Visionariesand Ezequiel “Pax” Moore. Production – TKT1957 LLC. Aired July 8, 2024.

Pax: Accentize has released its flagship speech restoration plugin, dxRevivePro. This update introduces three new algorithms – Studio 3, Natural 2, as well as EQ Restore. Philip, what is your take on this news?

Philip: Well, I’m not an audio person, and I’ll be quite honest, audio is one of those things that’s probably the most difficult and sort of the unsung hero in video. What’s the saying? Audio without video is just radio, but video without audio is security cam footage. So audio is very important. It’s interesting what AI has started to bring to the audio field. Audio, from an AI perspective, is much easier than video; there are far fewer variables. This tool really does a good job of isolating the voice, reducing extra reverb in the room, or handling dropouts. It really is doing a great job in making audio that much better.

Obviously, on a full feature film, you’re probably going to have a good audio technician who may be there to save you, but for documentary filmmakers and people doing interviews where you just don’t have the ability to set up in a sound-isolated room or have sound dampening with you, it’s a great tool to give you perfect or nearly perfect audio. What’s nice about it is you can tune it to either be really machine-processed or just add a little bit, and anything in between. So you really can pick how that tech is going to be applied.

Pax: Many thanks to our expert Philip Grossman and the TKT1957 team! Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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Tune in for the latest episode of 360 Seconds. Broadcast News & Commentary this Monday, July 15th!

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