AEQ supplies a Complete Radio Kit for MCRadio

The technological partner of this project was AEQ, which has supported the MCRadio team from the time the station was just an idea until the final installation and start-up of the ONAIR studios.

Given the specifications of the Project the entire radio station was supplied from the AEQ factory as a self-contained kit, easy to set up. This radio kit included a modern digital audio console model AEQ CAPITOL IP as the heart of the system for its robustness and simple operation, as well as the radio automation software AEQ AudioPLUS. The installation was completed with all the necessary furniture, wiring, microphones, speakers, headphones, pantographs, etc… to make MCRadio a reality with the latest technology on the market and the best possible sound quality for their listeners.

AEQ supplies a Complete Radio Kit for MCRadio

Of course, AEQ’s technical staff travelled to CERHI in Matamorosa for the assembly, adjustment, commissioning and training of this new radio, all tasks were completed in less than a week.

AEQ CAPITOL IP is an 8-channel fixed configuration digital audio mixing console. In CAPITOL IP the implementation of IP connectivity is based on a single module of 16 input and 16 output channels, incorporated in its core. One of the main qualities of AEQ CAPITOL IP is the wide input capacity available: 4 mic/line, 12 analogue, 4 digital stereo AES/EBU (AES3), 2 digital stereo USB, 2 optional telephone lines, and optional digital multi-channel audio links; 16 AoIP channels over two Ethernet connectors or 64 MADI channels input over optical fibre.

The MCRadio installation is completed by a comprehensive automation software AEQ AudioPLUS. The basic need for automation in radio stations includes: sound management, programming and storage.

AudioPLUS is an advanced automation, management and playout system for professional broadcasting, providing a set of applications and services that deliver the necessary tools to perform any regular work in a radio station, as well as a range of audio storage, editing and playout jobs in television stations.

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