Alexander Nuzhny: The Future of Broadcasting: The Rise of IP Systems, Streaming, and the Gradual Integration of AI

Alexander Nuzhny, founder and owner of Artparovoz, Kazakhstan, in the TKT1957 survey «The year 2030: AI or engineer?».

Alexander Nuzhny, founder and owner of Artparovoz, Kazakhstan, in the TKT1957 survey «The year 2030: AI or engineer?».

  1. How will the broadcasting industry and broadcast technologies change in the next 5 years?
  2. If we model the world of broadcasting and broadcast tech in 2030, what role will AI play?
  3. How will AI change your business segment?
  4. Which professions will AI displace in the broadcasting technology industry by 2030?

  1. The development and expansion of IP systems, the movement towards 4K quality. Terrestrial data transmission via the Internet will replace satellite systems. The number of online broadcasts and TV channels in general will increase. Streaming technology will become even simpler and cheaper.
  1. I don’t think that AI will drastically change the «world of broadcasting» within five years; most likely, some individual AI services will be used in broadcasting as soon as they meet the quality and stability required for professional work.
  2. My segment is not professional broadcasting. With the development of AI, online broadcasts will become even more automated and cheaper. Both in terms of the scope of these services as a whole, and in terms of equipment itself. There will be more and more software solutions, and hardware will also become cheaper and there will be an increase in the number of devices created specifically for certain software. The world of professional broadcast and streaming will divide into professionals and ordinary streamers armed with software and inexpensive systems combined with software that provide excellent quality results.
  1. In my opinion, AI will not displace anything globally in broadcasting in the next five years. But in the future, 10-15 years, technical specialists whose areas of responsibility are already successfully done by software solutions should think about it: sound and picture quality, camera mixing, etc. These are DOPs, engineers and even sound engineers.
All the opinions of industry leaders can be seen in the survey “Year 2030: AI or Engineer?”.

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