Artem Zhilin: The transition towards minimizing infrastructure and mobility will continue

Artem Zhilin

Artem Zhilin, Technical Director of TV Channel Pryamiy LLC, Ukraine, in the TKT1957 survey «The year 2030: AI or engineer?».

  1. How will the broadcasting industry and broadcast technologies change in the next 5 years?
  2. If we model the world of broadcasting and broadcast tech in 2030, what role will AI play?
  3. How will AI change your business segment?
  4. Which professions will AI displace in the broadcasting technology industry by 2030?

1. Looking back over the past five years, we can see that there haven’t been any radical changes. Although much new and interesting work has been done in many areas related to media content production and broadcasting, the pace of change has been steady rather than revolutionary. I notice a trend toward the unification of technologies like IP. It hasn’t completely taken over as many predicted when it first appeared, but its use is increasing each year. I believe the shift toward minimizing infrastructure and enhancing mobility will continue. Consumer devices are increasingly approaching professional quality, and it’s become perfectly normal for people to watch reports filmed on an iPhone.

2. Artificial intelligence has indeed rapidly entered our lives, and we are witnessing its active growth and expanding application areas. In the future, AI will likely become an essential assistant in many systems and cyclical processes, but a complete replacement of human resources is still not on the horizon. In production and broadcasting, there are often unconventional situations that are challenging to prepare AI for. However, AI will perform well with systematic, repetitive tasks. For example, AI is already doing a decent job with subtitling, a task that was quite labor-intensive and difficult to implement in live broadcasts just five years ago.

3. Like any other technology, AI has its pros and cons. To perform tasks effectively, AI requires an extensive database and reliable algorithms. Therefore, it’s essential to evaluate whether to prioritize human resources or train AI. Fully immersing in AI isn’t feasible just yet. From this, we can conclude that we shouldn’t expect global changes in the near future.

4. As I mentioned earlier, AI is likely to become an indispensable assistant in many fields rather than a full replacement for humans. AI assistance will help speed up and improve the quality of media production. For example, AI is already being actively used in cameras to significantly enhance automatic shooting modes. AI also assists in searching and sorting materials by specified topics, subtitling, and even voice-over work. Often, AI is used to create graphic elements, though these usually require subsequent human moderation. Social media will become more informative, while informational platforms will become more social.

All the opinions of industry leaders can be seen in the survey “Year 2030: AI or Engineer?”.

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