Big Pic Media Partners with Knox Media Hub

Big Pic Media Signs Partnership Agreement with Knox Media Hub

Big Pic Media, globally active provider of digital media products and services, announces a partnership agreement with KMH (Knox Media Hub).

Based in Barcelona, KMH offers a range of cloud-based skills designed to increase the efficiency of video and audio content producers as well as on-air and online television channels.

“KMH combines the best of traditional MAM and distribution platforms in a streamlined solution that runs in a single browser tab,” says Adam Welsh, Big Pic Media director. “The company’s cloud service includes fast and flexible content ingest, metadata management, customisable screening rooms, integrated quality control, transcoding, editing, closed captioning and multimode accelerated delivery. The KMH content management and delivery architecture allows customers to operate in a financially sound way when assigning the costs of microservices to content. By introducing a concept called ‘media spaces’, brands can directly collaborate with their providers. Customers gain the ability to upload their content into clearly defined workflows from commissioning to monetisation.”

“The complexity of delivering content to consumers has never been greater,” says KMH founder and CEO Santiago Miralles, 30+ years in the industry. “Knox Media Hub is the glue that ties together the media supply chain. Our cloud-based service is designed to cover every step of the broadcast supply chain from ingestion right through to transmission.

“Our estimate is that well-planned and executed automation can reduce individual workflow costs by a factor of 10 or more. In some cases, we have reduced workflow costs to one fortieth of the original manual approach.

“Thanks to its powerful architecture and API-first approach, KMH not only offers world-class integration but enables businesses to develop new business lines without any friction or relevant costs.

“Another benefit of a well designed cloud service is that customers only pay for the resources they actually use. Each resource is released as soon as a process is completed so outgoings inherently adapt to actual production activities.”

Clients gain:
  • Increase revenue by cutting out on CapEx and lower OpEx.
  • Shorter time to market by automating distribution and delivery processes.
  • Cost allocation with maximum granularity on the services used.
  • Advanced real-time and historic analysis and reporting to gain more insights on their businesses.
  • Flexible and scalable media asset management that can offer off-the-shelf and tailored solutions.
  • A very user friendly UI for non-technical teams.

In short, KMH makes Media companies more competitive and profitable.

Knox Media Hub

Knox Media Hub is one of the most modern, fully-SaaS content management platforms in the market. KMH SaaS provides a lightweight, single-UI solution that also automates workflows and integrates external services. It features AI-driven asset manipulation, unique distribution solutions and many more category leading features. KMH has been helping global content creators and distributors of all sizes transform their business, remain profitable and stay ahead of their competitors since 2013.

Big Pic Media

Big Pic Media is a resource for industry-leading production, post production, digital media products and services. It can advise and supply solutions from individual items to fully integrated suites. With offices in London and Los Angeles, Big Pic Media offers a global service to the industry, as a supplier and a representative. Big Pic Media has a support function which oversees design and installation services as well as offering engineering support for products supplied by the company. This department can design, develop and install facility updates or entire facilities on request.

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