Brazilian broadcaster implements central casting with Pebble

Pebble, the leading automation, content management, and integrated channel specialist, has today announced that Brazilian broadcaster TV Anhanguera has modernised and streamlined its operations with Pebble technology.

The broadcaster selected a solution comprising Pebble Automation, Pebble Integrated Channel and Pebble Remote to orchestrate Master Control of its pioneering centralcasting architecture.

TV Anhanguera, headquartered in Goiânia, the capital of Brazilian state Goiás, is part of LATAM media group and Jaime Câmara Group. It operates 11 TV channels all affiliated with TV Globo, the region’s largest free-to-air television network. Faced with the end of life of its legacy servers, TV Anhanguera charged local systems integrator Videodata with finding and supplying a solution to automate the customized playout of multiple individual stations from its central facility.

“The renewal of our master control infrastructure was part of a wider plan to improve operations and optimize costs across the organization,” explained Luis Duarte, Chief Technology Officer, TV Anhanguera. “With the support of Videodata we chose to deploy a Pebble solution because they were able to deliver on a number of our key criteria. We wanted to implement centralcast playout from one facility while keeping each channel distinct for our audiences. We needed the flexibility to do this along with the ease of user operation and of course, it had to be highly redundant. Pebble ticked all of these boxes and more.”

The Pebble Automation platform’s distributed architecture enables TV Anhanguera to flex and adapt resources and content and is built around a powerful centralized ingest, content management and multi-channel solution. The software-defined Pebble Integrated Channel offers unmatched signal processing capabilities and all the functionality required for customizing channels with multiple content formats, complex graphics, and live inserts. The powerful Pebble Remote tool enables TV Anhanguera operators to securely monitor, manage and control their channels from inside or outside the normal transmission environment.

Integrated by Videodata with locally supported off-the-shelf hardware in a highly reliable and extremely cost-efficient mirrored environment, the solution provides dependable and secure redundancy. The main playlist is fully mirrored and the seven main channels are protected by three backup channels.

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