Broadcasting / Cinema 2023 Kazakhstan


Broadcasting / Cinema 2023 Kazakhstan tkt1957.comThe top trends are established for the International Hybrid Conference Broadcasting/Cinema 2023 Kazakhstan, which will be held in Astana on February 28 — March 1, 2023.

  • Switching television to IP technologies
  • Cross-platform content delivery
  • Future of VR in cinema production
  • Video streaming via SRT
  • 5G networks broadcast
  • 4K/UHD: features and perspectives
  • Remote production
  • New codecs for video compression

As we invite more speakers, the list of approved discussion topics is still being updated. For now it is the following:

  • Broadcast and cinema digital transformation: the impact of technological advancements and digital distribution on the future of the industry
  • Broadcast and cinema profit-making policies: discussion on profit-making policies including subscription, ad monetization and mixed models
  • PayTV packaging future: actual and future pay television trends including digitalization and OTT platforms impact
  • AI in broadcast and cinema: the discussion on the broadcast and cinematic AI implementations, focusing on content creation, distribution and personalization
  • Content production and distribution strategies: latest production and distribution trends, including social media and OTT platforms
  • Audience engagement and monetization: data analysis, marketing and promotional instruments for audience engagement and content monetization strategies
  • Challenging Kazakhstan television broadcast industry staff shortage.
  • “Kazmedia ortalygy”: production, technologies, management
  • Remote production, monitoring and control solutions
  • Latest production truck equipment solutions
  • Professional content localization tools (multilingual broadcast, dialogue replacement software for television, cine, video and gamedev production)
  • Content distribution, processing and protection solutions
  • ISE Europe 2023 main premiere products
  • Virtual production.

The International Hybrid Conference Broadcasting/Cinema 2023 Kazakhstan will be held both offline and online in Astana, Kazakhstan, on February 28 — March 1, 2023.

Organizer – ТКТ1957 LLC.

General partner — Qualitron LTD.

Media partner — Cine Gear Expo.

Event format — hybrid (both offline and online):
  • Workshops and roundtables, streamed live and in social media
  • Technological solutions presentations
  • Topical working groups.

February 28 — March 1, 2023

Kazmedia ortalygy broadcasting center, Astana, Kazakhstan

Conference chairman — Vladislav Bogusevich

Project coordinator — Maria Vinnikova
+90 536 018 43 49

Conference program is still updating and will be announced soon.

The event is closed, for technical directors only. Event attendance and online lectures are fee–based for vendors.

Request promotional opportunities:

Alex Yarygin
+99 559 707 01 26

Daria Novichkova
+99 559 707 01 56

The first Kazakh exhibition and conference Broadcasting / Cinema 2022 Kazakhstan took place in Almaty, autumn 2022. Read more about the event.


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