Broadcasting / Cinema 2023 Uzbekistan: Results

Broadcasting / Cinema 2023 Uzbekistan

The Broadcasting / Cinema 2023 Uzbekistan international hybrid conference, which brought together technical directors and heads of TV channels and film studios in Central Asia, took place on March 28 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, on the premises of the Uzbekfilm film concern.

Igor Kalinin, General Director of Sfera-Video: «High-resolution long-term data storage systems are currently the key to the development of feature film production in particular and content in general. A lot of materials are produced, but the problem of how to preserve them for future generations has not been solved anywhere in the world.»

Broadcasting / Cinema 2023 Uzbekistan
Igor Kalinin, General Director of Sfera-Video

Bakhodyr Adylov, Director of the State Unitary Enterprise Documentary and Newsreel Films Studio: «The contract for the modernization of the Uzbekfilm production base was signed more than two years ago. Last year we received ARRI cameras, lenses, ARRI lights, dollies, cranes, editing stations, sound equipment, and archiving technology. The next step is the reconstruction of server rooms. We are ready to spend a little more money but get the latest-generation equipment».

Bakhodyr Adylov, Director of the State Unitary Enterprise Documentary and Newsreel Films Studio
Bakhodyr Adylov, Director of the State Unitary Enterprise Documentary and Newsreel Films Studio

Tikhon Pendyurin, director of the Kosmosfilm film studio: «Our film studio produces documentary and experimental films, while having a fairly powerful post-production base».

Broadcasting / Cinema 2023 Uzbekistan: Results

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Broadcasting / Cinema 2024 Uzbekistan will take place in the fall of 2024.

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