Broadpeak now has the function to create virtual channels

Broadpeak has recently announced a Virtual Channel-as-a-Service application on its software as a service (SaaS).

“We’re excited to introduce this innovative application for our SaaS, closing the user experience gap between social networks and traditional streaming platforms,” said Mathias Guille, vice president, Cloud Platform at Broadpeak. “Virtual channels are an easy, affordable way for video service providers to add personalization, value, and revenue to their video streaming services. With our Virtual Channel as a Service, video service providers can help viewers find the content they are passionate about, boosting their engagement and satisfaction.”

The Virtual Channel as a Service speeds up the creation of linear pop-up channels for live events, targeted audiences, and more. With the app, video service providers can incorporate a mix of live, VOD, slate, trailer, and event content into their virtual channels. The complete lifecycle of virtual channels is addressed programmatically through API, allowing operators to launch services without human intervention. also supports delayed live events and “overtime,” which is critical for streaming live sports content.

Users have the ability to create a global schedule for each virtual channel, audience and viewer to simplify the transmission of regional and thematic content. The application leverages the cloud, as well as Broadpeak’s manifest handler, which is designed to scale across large platforms. In the future, Broadpeak plans to pre-integrate the virtual channel as a service with content recommendation engines. Through manifest manipulation, channels can be created on the fly without the need for a full playout solution. This process results in a significantly smaller carbon footprint, faster deployment and savings.

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