Cassidy Phillips, Lead Solutions Architect, swXtch.io, in the TKT1957 survey «The year 2030: AI or engineer?».
- How will the broadcasting industry and broadcast technologies change in the next 5 years?
- If we model the world of broadcasting and broadcast tech in 2030, what role will AI play?
- How will AI change your business segment?
- Which professions will AI displace in the broadcasting technology industry by 2030?
- Media is a bit behind other industries in the race to virtualization. The evolution of CPU and GPU, as well as creative changes to workload distribution and software, are enabling more every day. This means we could see a mostly virtualized broadcast industry soon.
2. Rules-based workflows are low-hanging fruit for AI (think file-transfer+conversion+archive). Any mechanically repeatable action should be consumed by AI over the next few years. If the capabilities of AI push beyond the kind of “memorization and compression of data” we see today, who knows what else AI could do.
- For the cloud, AI could help with spin-up/down of environments (terraforming). The elastic resources of the cloud are waiting to be leveraged and optimized, AI could be the accelerant to get us there.
4. I don’t think AI can replace humans in existing professional roles, particularly for major live events. What AI could do is supplement the production capabilities of first-time-broadcasters and small teams to do simple graphics insertion, camera switching, and technical support. This would allow rising social media stars to create more polished content.
All the opinions of industry leaders can be seen in the survey “Year 2030: AI or Engineer?”.