Changes to the Executive Board of Carl Zeiss AG

Carl Zeiss AG is expanding its Executive Board team.



Susan-Stefanie Breitkopf as Chief Transformation Officer. She is currently Head of Corporate Human Resources at the ZEISS Group.



Dr. Matthias Metz, member of the Executive Board of Carl Zeiss AG and responsible for the ZEISS Consumer Markets segment, will switch to BSH Hausgeräte GmbH, Munich. There he will take over as Chief Executive Officer starting 1 October 2022.


Sven Hermann

His successor will be Sven Hermann, currently Chief Sales & Marketing Officer at ZEISS Vision Care in the ZEISS Consumer Markets segment, effective 1 July 2022.

The ZEISS Group continues on a dynamic growth path. All four ZEISS segments and all regions are contributing to profitable growth. Expenditure on research and development and investments in digitalization were further increased and are higher than ever before. In order to continue to successfully align the company’s development and, in particular, to accelerate the transformation of the ZEISS Group’s digital infrastructure, the Supervisory Board of Carl Zeiss AG has resolved to expand the Executive Board to include the function of Chief Transformation Officer (CTO), and to appoint Susan-Stefanie Breitkopf to this position on the Executive Board effective 1 July 2022. She has been Head of Corporate Human Resources at the ZEISS Group since 2021.

There will be another change on the Executive Board of Carl Zeiss AG because Dr. Matthias Metz, the Executive Board member responsible for the ZEISS Consumer Markets segment, will switch to BSH Hausgeräte GmbH, Munich. There, he will assume the position of Chief Executive Officer as of 1 October 2022.

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