Chyron Unveils PAINT 9.3

Chyron has introduced PAINT 9.3, the first AI-enhanced release of the company’s renowned illustrated analysis and replay tool for live sports.

New automatic pitch calibration (soccer) and automatic player tracking tools (soccer and American football) represent the first AI-driven tools within PAINT. Reducing two essential but complex tasks to quick button pushes, these AI algorithms save operators valuable time in generating top-notch telestrator sports clips, allowing them to focus on creating dynamic narratives around a match.

PAINT 9.3 represents an industry-first application of AI algorithms to sport replay and telestration, and we’re building great new features and capabilities on the power of these new enhancements,” said Chyron CEO Ariel Garcia. “Our internal AI development team has been exploring the practical and beneficial applications of AI in the live video production space, and it’s so rewarding to see evidence of the team’s amazing work in this latest PAINT release. The AI-enabled tools and features in 9.3 are the first of much more to come!”

Thanks to PAINT 9.3’s AI-enabled calibration algorithm, an operator with a clip loaded for telestration can now automatically calibrate the dimensions of the soccer pitch, then begin creating perspective-accurate 3D telestration effects right away. PAINT’s new AI-enabled player tracking algorithm can automatically track and determine the path of players in a clip, so operators can quickly bind tracked effects such as spotlights and cursors to any and all players. Users can trigger these features with a single button push in the UI, or set them to be performed automatically as clips are imported into the system.

Together these new AI algorithms support a brand-new functionality: accurate live measurement of the speed and distance of player movement entirely within the PAINT software, without external tracking data. As a result, operators can create labels above any and all players to show their speed/distance in real time.

A host of new features within PAINT 9.3 make it easier for operators to precisely telestrate every replay clip and then export footage to post-production for editing. PAINT’s new Path Shaping tools allow users to precisely tune, edit, or redraw player movement paths to ensure tracked effects move ultra-smoothly. Now able to bulk-export clips as individual files, operators can ensure they have the individual clip files they need to edit together a highlight package. Finally, operators can now use the PAINT Formation Tool to export overhead strategy-map illustrations as clips for use in the edit suite.

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