David Ross, Ross Video: We are working on creating new products

David Ross, Chairman of the Board, CEO and majority owner of Ross Video, and Philip Grossman, David Ross, CEO at Ross Video and Philip Grossman, editor-in-chief at TKT 1957
David Ross, Chairman of the Board, CEO and majority owner of Ross Video, and Philip Grossman, editor-in-chief at TKT1957. IBC2023

David Ross, Chairman of the Board, CEO and majority owner of Ross Video, in the TKT1957 survey «The year 2030: AI or engineer?».

I wish I knew the answers to those questions! In this particular case, I’d prefer not to go out and speculate on the record. If I do have ideas, I think I’d prefer to keep them to myself and my team as we work to create new products that meet future needs. Sorry that I’m ducking this one! 🙂

All the opinions of industry leaders can be seen in the survey “Year 2030: AI or Engineer?”.

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