Demystifying Virtual Production


Entertainment Technologists has partnered with NEP Virtual Studios to publish a whitepaper that examines key questions about how to budget, plan and execute virtual production in today’s TV and fim workflows tkt1957.comEntertainment Technologists has partnered with NEP Virtual Studios to publish a whitepaper that examines key questions about how to budget, plan and execute virtual production in today’s TV and fim workflows.

The whitepaper is accompanied by other tools, including a budget and scheduling calculator to assist producers on where and how to apply emerging virtual production technologies when planning their next production.

Demystifying Virtual Production aims to answer questions about virtual production without technical jargon but learnings and recommendations from actual production teams with experience of using the technology.

The companies have also created an Excel sample production budget calculator designed to help line producers and studio executives through the changes. The tool can be used by producers to model their own productions and explore how budget line items change if they move some or all of the shots to virtual production workflows.

The whitepaper is available to download here.

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