Digital Alert Systems Unveils Version 5.2 Update

image credit: Digital alert system

Ensuring FCC compliance, the latest software enhances DASDEC/One-Net emergency messaging capabilities.

Digital Alert Systems, a global frontrunner in emergency communications for video service providers, has announced the release of its Version 5.2 software. This update is tailored for the DASDEC and One-Net emergency messaging devices, emphasizing the company’s dedication to offering a versatile emergency messaging platform.

The highlight of DASDEC Version 5.2 is its alignment with the latest FCC compliance features for the Emergency Alert System (EAS). Broadcasters are mandated to integrate these features by December, ensuring their systems are up-to-date and compliant. This release, the third in the Version 5.0 series, also fortifies the system’s security, introducing enhanced features and safelists to limit device access.

Delving into the specifics, Version 5.2 encompasses three pivotal modifications, as directed by the FCC’s recent guidelines on EAS:

  1. The first alteration pertains to the text displayed during a national-level alert message. The NPT and EAN event codes have been renamed as “Nationwide Test of the Emergency Alert System” and “National Emergency Message,” respectively. Moreover, the primary entry point (PEP) originator code now reads “United States Government” instead of “Primary Entry Point.” The station EAS originator code has been updated to “EAS Participant.”
  2. The second change introduces an FCC-mandated function, enabling the DASDEC to generate a predefined message upon receiving a national NPT or EAN message via the conventional EAS relay, bypassing the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP).
  3. The third update focuses on CAP alert messages with Triggered CAP Polling™. The recent FCC regulations necessitated alterations to this feature, making it perpetually active. Introduced by Digital Alert Systems in 2018, the FCC’s modifications now render this function obligatory, eliminating any user-initiated overrides.

To run Version 5.2, a DASDEC or One-Net device equipped with a 64-bit processor is essential. Devices shipped post-2016, equipped with a 32-/64-bit processor, are compatible with this update. Users can effortlessly install Version 5.2 via Digital Alert Systems’ secure field upgrade server. Furthermore, once a device operates on Version 5.0, subsequent in-version upgrades are complimentary.

This software update is available free of charge for users already on the Version 5.0 series software, provided they have either recently purchased a DASDEC unit, are part of the company’s Software Assurance Plan, or have engaged in the UP•TRADE program since October 2022. Pricing details for other users are available upon request.

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