Digital Orchard And Kodak Extend Partnership

Digital Orchard Group and Kodak have today announced an extension to their shared services partnership that sees the installation of a Lasergraphics ScanStation 6.5K – a high-end motion picture film scanner – at Kodak Film Lab Atlanta, USA.

Digital Orchard is an industry-leading film and digital service provider that offers a unique end-to-end workflow and colour-management solution, from capture to post. Since 2019 Digital Orchard & Kodak have worked in partnership, combining Kodak’s photochemical expertise with Digital Orchard’s innovation & expertise in film scanning and finished scan digital workflows. This end-to-end service provides filmmakers with a seamless and high-quality post production solution for their celluloid shoots – now both in the UK and the US. Kodak Film Lab Atlanta can transfer scanned material safely & securely to Digital Orchard through access to their dedicated high speed file transfer solution.

At Digital Orchard’s 26-acre facility outside Chalfont St Giles, just 10 minutes from Leavesden and 15 minutes from Pinewood, the company has upgraded its custom-designed & manufactured ScanStation to incorporate 6.5K resolution capability. This fast & versatile scanner can handle 16, 35 & 65mm film at speeds of up to 60fps, producing optically pin-registered scans. Featuring a warped film gate & sprocketless film transport, the ScanStation 65 provides incredible stability and incredible shadow detail through its multi-flash scanning capability.

Since establishing its film services team in 2019, Digital Orchard has serviced a vast range of independent and studio features, shorts, commercials and music promos, working in partnership with filmmakers and production companies from around the world. This summer the film team reached a significant milestone, having scanned, digitised & delivered over 5 million feet of film.

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