EditShare One To Be Unveiled At IBC 2023

EditShare One To Be Unveiled At IBC 2023 tkt1957.com

EditShare is to introduce EditShare One as its unifying user experience at IBC 2023.

EditShare One gives a single, streamlined experience across all of the company’s high performance production asset management and media storage solutions.

EditShare One boosts productivity by simplifying interactions, with an intuitive user experience at every stage of the creative process. Initial applications include Producer View, for assigning tasks and delivering comments and feedback to the production team, making collaboration simple, even across multiple locations.

The AI-integrated Transcription View is a powerful new application that speeds up identifying the key points in large media captures. Users will find Transcription View and other productivity improvements visible in FLOW directly as well as in the FLOW panel in the Adobe user interface, and Resolve thanks to the seamless integration.

Universal Projects

EditShare is already transforming post-production through Universal Projects, which allows projects to be set up, linked to bins, and synchronised with whichever editing software package is chosen. The new EditShare One user interface and its innovative debut applications will deliver even greater productivity and creative control.

“Our users around the world talk to us about the challenge of creating exceptional content within tight time constraints,” said Sunil Mudholkar, VP Product Management at EditShare. “That is why we have put the focus on strong workflows, using automation where it is practical. Now, with EditShare One, we have user experiences which are thoroughly intuitive and consistent, so you are able to sit at any workstation and understand the complete content flow and the state of any project.”

IBC 2023 will also see the continuing extension of EditShare core technologies to support the modern media production industry. It is now common for content to be stored at multiple locations, in the cloud, and in remote workstations such as editors working on site or even at home. A single instance of FLOW maps all the content in every location and ensures it is ready. Automated proxy creation and integrated file acceleration ensure that the right media is always to hand.

Cinedeck and EditShare FLOW

Part of the IBC demonstration will be the integration of Cinedeck and EditShare FLOW to provide live logging for reality television, sports and other metadata-rich applications. This is a practical solution to the need to capture large amounts of media and information across multiple content streams.

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