Flipside AV Helps Assemble Diverse Training Studios

Currently undergoing a major site re-development, the Wimbledon college is set to be a world-class performance centre for summer 2022 with high-end rehearsal spaces now fitted with quality audio-visual equipment, thanks to Flipside AV.

A total of x6 Yamaha DZR10 Series Speakers have been installed across the spaces with a Denon DN-30X 6-Channel Mixer to connect all external devices and audio equipment between them.Flipside AV Helps Assemble Diverse Training Studios

The connectivity, via the Denon Channel Mixer, required a little bit of training which the UAL technician team soon picked up from Flipside.


Utilising the space for all that its worth, the first-floor studio has already been used as a backdrop for a student project based on the use of light in movement, material, and character development, captured in photography and film. Flipside has not only aided in the provided ease in configurability for student projects but has created the perfect AV infrastructure to breathe quality within its unique space – ready for the new term ahead.

Flipside AV Helps Assemble Diverse Training Studios

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