Enhanced Features in New Update Enhanced Features in New Update has launched a beta version of its fourth iteration, offering a fully redesigned platform with enhanced features.

This update aims to provide users with increased power, flexibility, and control over their creative projects. The redesign enhances user experience across both web and iOS interfaces.

Phased Beta Invitations

The company has decided to roll out invitations to the Version 4 beta in scheduled phases. This strategy ensures that all users have an optimal experience as they transition to the new version.

New Features and Design

The new version boasts a more intuitive and efficient design, simplifying navigation and interaction within the platform. Users can now enjoy improved customization options and a more streamlined process for sharing work for review.

Enhanced Mobile Experience

Significant improvements have been made to the mobile interface, enhancing usability and accessibility on mobile devices.

Advanced Organizational Tools

Version 4 introduces custom metadata fields that allow users to tag and organize their assets into Collections. This feature is designed to support the development of new creative workflows.

Improved Asset Management

The update makes it easier for users to locate their assets within the platform, streamlining the search and management process.

Refined Feedback Mechanisms now offers more precise tools for giving and receiving feedback. The updated features include anchored commenting, attachments in comments, the use of emojis, and range-based comments, all designed to make feedback clearer and more actionable.

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