Haivision: video streaming, networking solutions for Sport’s Live Production


Eurovision Sport, part of the European Broadcasting Union, deployed Haivision Hub and Makito X4 video encoders for their live production workflows for the 2021/22 International Ski Mountaineering Federation (ISMF) ski mountaineering season.

«As more broadcasters turn to cloud-based technologies to fuel their live production workflows, Haivision technology is empowering its customers with agile remote production of high-quality video events, – stated Ghislain Collette, Vice President of Product Management at Haivision. – Haivision Hub enables broadcasters to produce events from anywhere with remote fleet management of Makito video encoders and real-time video routing over the internet, private IP networks, and the cloud».


Eurovision Sport managed the production and live streaming of selected races at eight events during the 2021/22 ISMF season. The goal was to produce and deliver premium-quality live video content to help build awareness of this rapidly growing and exciting sport which will make its debut at the 2026 Olympic Winter Games.

By relying on the Haivision Hub cloud-native video networking solution, Eurovision Sport can remotely manage Makito encoders and route live video to multiple destinations. Using the SRT protocol over the public internet, in place of satellite links, Eurovision Sport can offer its media partners live content that can be included in their local coverage and delivered to their audiences watching on digital platforms as well as linear TV channels.


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