IABM Opens Entries For BaM Awards

The winners will be announced at a special awards event on 01 December 2022. Deadline for entries is 31 October 2022.

The IABM BaM Awards recognize outstanding technological innovations that deliver real business and creative benefits. The BaMs are the only truly independent technology awards in the industry and are widely recognized as the gold standard for rewarding broadcast and media innovation. Judging is carried out by a panel of 40+ independent, expert judges. Submissions for the BaM Awards are open to every company (whether an IABM member or not) that has launched a new product or service since November 1st 2021.

The BaM Awards recognize innovations in nine categories that together make up the BaM Content Chain – Create, Produce, Manage, Monetize, Publish, Store, Connect, Support, Consume – together with a 10th category for an outstanding project, collaboration or event. More information about the awards and categories, and the online entry form can be found here. Read more about the BaM Content Chain here.

“Companies within the Broadcast & Media space have long coveted being on the BaM Awards shortlist and ultimately a winner,” said Debbie Jacobs, IABM Head of Marketing. “The benefits of being recognised with a BaM Award are many – including a boost to reputation and credibility, a powerful endorsement of the whole team behind the solution, and new business opportunities opened up by industry exposure of the excellence of that solution.”

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