How ITV manages the transition from linear to addressable TV

How ITV, the UK’s leading commercial broadcaster, is managing the transition from linear to addressable TV at massive scale

ITV plc, the largest commercial broadcaster in the UK, continues to pioneer innovative advertising opportunities at a grand scale and while exploring creative ways of engaging with consumers.

15 Sep 2023
16:45 – 17:15
Free to Attend
Hall 3

The 1st party ad platform, SAS 360 Match, has been a vital component in the automation, monetisation and delivery of highly personalised ad experiences to ITV’s audience.

Broadcasters such as ITV utilise SAS Advertising Solutions to tune their services to their audiences. We have helped customers generate targeted advertising for large events, such as the FIFA World Cup and the British reality show Love Island and to support catch-up viewing with variable ad break length for different viewers.

Alex Maison, ITV’s Head of Digital Ad Products, says: ITV’s collaboration with SAS has meant that we have developed, and continue to develop, something that is best in class and solves for all our needs. Our relationship is based on mutuality that drives benefits for both parties; the benefits for ITV are the speed to market with new features, platforms, commercial requirements, and new integrations.

360 Match offers much more than a traditional “video ad server”. It’s an Incredibly flexible real-time decision engine with an amazing feature set and great APIs”

Alex will join Steve Perks, Head of Advertising Technology at SAS, to discuss how ITV and ITVX (ITV’s new ad supported streaming service) enjoy success in the increasingly competitive and fragmented viewing landscape.

Steve Perks, Head of Advertising Technology – SAS Institute
Alex Maison, Head of Digital Ad Platforms – ITV

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