January 16 is the birthday of Elshad Mammadov, Azercosmos

January 16 is the birthday of Elshad Mammadov, Business Project Manager at the Space Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan Azercosmos

January 16 is the birthday of Elshad Mammadov, Business Project Manager at the Space Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan Azercosmos.

TKT1957 congratulates Elshad Mamedov on his birthday!


March 2023 – present – Business Project Manager of Azercosmos
Nov. 2020 – present – Senior Sales Manager of Azercosmos
Apr. 2011 – Nov. 2020 – Senior Account Manager of Azercosmos
Jan. 1999 – Jan. 2009 – Telecommunications Engineer at Siemens Communications, Inc.

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