Jon Samsel, Verimatrix: You Have to Be Careful with AI

TFT1957 Interviews Jon Samsel, Head of Marketing, Verimatrix, at IBC2024.

TFT1957 Interviews Jon Samsel, Head of Marketing, Verimatrix, at IBC2024.

We are a video content security and cybersecurity company operating globally. We’ve been around for 29 years, and we’ve been a player in the media and entertainment markets, as well as the telecommunications market, for many years—innovating, providing security, and really helping to protect the revenue streams of our customers and partners.

We’re seeing a lot of innovation happening, and everyone is talking about AI. It’s certainly a big buzzword. What we’re finding is that you have to be careful with AI because, while it’s something people are talking about, not everyone is seeing the immediate value it can bring to their businesses. What we’ve done at Verimatrix is integrate AI and machine learning into our products and solutions to help us provide better service to our customers.

For example, we detect a lot of threats within our systems, and there are threat patterns that can be hard for a human to detect when dealing with millions and millions of instances. We use AI and machine learning to help identify these threat patterns, allowing humans to do their jobs more effectively. We believe it’s really about a combination: AI helps to identify large patterns in datasets, and humans interpret that data to provide real value to our customers. This is how we aim to implement AI practically, ensuring our customers experience tangible benefits.

As AI matures, and as we continue to integrate it more into our solutions, it’s something that will bring increasing value over time. We start small, proving value, and then expand from there.

From an industry perspective, I think what we’re seeing is that everyone is trying to solve complex problems using data and implement solutions in different ways. If you walk around IBC, you’ll find many different implementations of AI. A lot of companies are trying to figure out how to do things faster, better, and provide high value without needing to hire more people. If you talk to people, they’ll tell you costs are rising, and profit margins aren’t as high as they used to be. We need to extract more value, and AI is helping to do that—offering solutions that humans alone may not have the resources to manage. That’s a little bit of our perspective on AI in the industry.

– Thanks a lot for the interview!

Full coverage of IBC2024 here

Verimatrix company profile

Verimatrix is a company that develops and implements security technologies to protect content and services in the media and entertainment industry.
Founded: 1995.
Specialization: Protection of digital content from unauthorized access and piracy. Ensuring the security of online services and platforms. Prevention of fraud and counterfeiting in the field of digital content. Development of solutions for copyright protection and intellectual property. Implementation of encryption, authentication and access control technologies for content.
The company offers a wide range of products and services to ensure the security of digital content, including DRM (Digital Rights Management) technologies, encryption, protection against piracy and fraud. Verimatrix works with leading global companies in the media and entertainment industries, as well as with telecom operators and internet service providers.

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