LANG Acquires Brompton LED Video Processors

The company LANG has invested in Brompton Technology Tessera LED video processors which complement LANG’s stock of VENUS and JUPITER LED panels for high-quality and high resolution applications.

“Our goal with VENUS and JUPITER has always been to set a benchmark in the LED market,” explained Manuel Müller, Director Rental at LANG. “With this in mind, two of the things next to resolution that were most important to us were usability and brightness, with Brompton’s leading Tessera LED processors serving a perfect match for those key requirements.”

Thanks to Brompton’s revolutionary Dynamic Calibration technology, the LANG team, together with Absen, were able to increase the brightness of VENUS to a level much higher than on conventional LED screens. “And we are able to further surpass the brightness for those applications that require exceptionally realistic-looking visual content and extra-wide colour gamut by utilising Brompton HDR,” adds Müller.

Exceptional colour management and industry ‘gold standard’ Tessera software features like PureTone, ThermaCal, Frame Remapping and the latest v3.4 features including Extended Bit Depth and Stacking, can also be used for pioneering virtual production projects and virtual studios, bringing almost infinite opportunities to LANG’s customers.

 Learn more


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