Lawo Joins SRT Alliance for High-Quality, Low-Latency Video Streaming

Lawo Joins SRT Alliance for High-Quality, Low-Latency Video Streaming tkt1957.comAt this year’s centennial NAB show, Lawo and Haivision are pleased to announce that Lawo’s newly introduced HOME Apps will support streams received in the SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) format– including the ability to transcode and transmita variety of incoming source streams to SRT-compatible destinations.

Lawo’s intention is to present broadcasters and media production services with the utmost flexibility and agility to cover live events whose scope and/or target viewership do not justify the utilization of broadcast-grade ST2110-based production tools and infrastructure, or indeed the lease of high-bandwidth network infrastructure in remote production scenarios. Lawo expects that other applications, such as the ability to use a mix of SDI-, SRT- and ST2110-compatible cameras, OTT streaming, fast retrieval of assets, etc., will also benefit from its support of SRT.

Three HOME Apps – Multiviewer,UDX conversion with HDR processing and Graphic Inserter – natively support SRT, while future apps will be able to process media data packets after they have been converted by the HOME Stream Transcoder, another containerized microservice processing app that will be available in Q4 of 2023.

The SRT Alliance, founded by Haivision in April 2017, already has more than 600 members. Itsmission is to overcome the challenges of low-latency live streaming by supporting thecollaborative development of SRT (Secure Reliable Transport), the fastest growing open-sourcestreaming project. SRT is a free open-source video transport protocol and technology stackoriginally developed and pioneered by Haivision, which enables the delivery of high-quality andsecure, low-latency video across the public internet.

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