MainConcept in «360 Seconds. Broadcast News and Commentary»

MainConcept in 360 Seconds. Broadcast News and Commentary

MainConcept Integrates VVC and LCEVC into its OTT Encoder.

Hosts: Philip Grossman, host and co-producer at VisionariesMary Ann Seidler, owner of First Light Media and consultant for multiCAM Systems and Telos Alliance; and Maria Kholodova.

Maria: MainConcept’s Live Encoder 3.4 now features advanced VVC and LCEVC codecs, elevating live streaming capabilities. This update supports various formats including MP4 and MPEG-2 TS, and is tailored for MPEG-DASH and SRT. It enables high-resolution broadcasting, including 8K, setting a new standard in live broadcast technology.

Mary, I’m throwing it back to you again.

Mary: I just love compression. Isn’t it fun? And we were talking earlier about how much progress has been made. So, Philip, what are your opinions about this? You started out many years ago when we saw basic video and audio compression.

Philip: I think what’s interesting about this is that, first of all, most people don’t realize that only a handful of companies make the codecs themselves. Adobe doesn’t make them, nor does DaVinci Resolve; they utilize them. We used them when I was at Imagine, and MainConcept is one of the bigger ones. So, when someone says, ‘I wish Adobe would render something faster,’ it’s not really Adobe; it’s MainConcept and what they’re doing. As you mentioned, it’s interesting to see the continual advancements in the various codecs. I distinctly remember seeing, I think it was at IBC in 2015 or 2016, a demonstration at Harmonic’s booth showing the original MPEG-2 codec that they developed. Ten years later, the advanced version of it showed a marked difference in quality. So, the fact that MainConcept is updating their codec, expanding it, and hopefully adopting the new AI engines or media engines that are in the latest chipsets will speed things up, making it very interesting. I hope others follow along, and obviously, MainConcept, being one of the larger manufacturers of codecs, is a good sign for the industry.

The live broadcast took place on November 28, 2023. Production – TKT1957 LLC.

Media Partner – Cine Gear Expo.

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