NAB Show New York 2024: How Do I Deal with All These Live Streams?

NAB Show New York 2024: How Do I Deal with All These Live Streams?
Loic Barbou Image source: Linkedin

Does it seem like there are new streaming services popping up daily? With this proliferation, there’s also the consolidation, rebranding and other changes going on with existing streaming services that all lead to a constantly shifting landscape.

While this is all challenging enough for consumers, what about the content providers who must get their live streams out to these services? With each of these services being unique in their requirements, the process of configuring and maintaining these streams is almost entirely manual, and fraught with opportunities for error. What’s the solution? What if we could narrow down the number of divergent paths that are taken with these live streams while not sacrificing quality and still addressing the needs of the various recipients of these streams? What if we could close some of the gaping security holes that exist today, at the same time? We will discuss today’s live stream distribution landscape and what’s being done to simplify the process for efficiency and reliability.

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