NEP Worldwide Netherlands adopts Custom Consoles for its new studio

Custom Consoles has recently announced that NEP Worldwide Netherlands has chosen ten Module-R technical control desks for a new production facility at its studio headquarters in Hilversum’s Media Park.

The facility’s role will focus on television coverage of sporting events.

The front control desk in each of the two production control rooms is a seven metre wide inline Module-R configured with a 3U high sloping-front equipment pod along the rear of each of its thirteen bays, along with a bespoke section to house a Grass Valley vision mixer. Positioned in parallel behind this is a 7.2 metre wide 14-bay desk of similar design.

Three additional 3.6 metre wide seven-bay inline desks provide supporting production control facilities.

Two audio suites are equipped with a U-shaped Module-R desk. These desks have been configured to accept Lawo audio production control panels.

Also supplied and installed was a 3.6 metre wide inline vision control desk for a video control room. This desk is constructed as seven bays with 3U high equipment pods along each bay and includes two groups of camera control panels.

“NEP has proved a very loyal customer over the years and we are very pleased to have been chosen to help equip them for this project,” says Custom Consoles Sales Manager Gary Fuller. “In addition to the three desks provided for these new suites we have supplied seven editing desks for use by NEP’s post-production team.”

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