Strategic Networking Brunch: Unveiling the Power of Alliances and Their Implementation

Networking breakfast

GALSNGEAR, Women in Streaming Media, and Rise have joined forces to host a purpose-driven brunch focused on exploring the essence of allyship and its practical implementation.

18 Sep 2023, 10:00 – 11:00, Free to Attend, Forum


Muki Kulhan, Innovation Co-Lead – IBC Accelerators


Sadie Groom, CEO, Founder – Bubble Agency, Rise
Amy DeLouise, Chief Creative Officer – DeLouise Enterprises
Megan Wagoner, Vice President and Head of Mentorship – Women in Streaming Media

Employees from the same organization are warmly invited to participate in this enriching experience, which includes sharing results and enjoying delectable complimentary cuisine. The organizers aim to foster the exchange of experiences and knowledge among participants, with the ultimate goal of transforming opportunities into reality.

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