NextGen TV Logo Certification Test Suite Released

Eurofins Digital Testing, in partnership with the Consumer Technology Association and National Association of Broadcasters, has released the NextGen TV logo certification test suite v 2022-1.0.

The first major release for the new model year applicable to ATSC 3.0 compliant receivers starting July 1.

Primarily aimed at devices entering the market in 2023, but can be used for certification from today, this release adds:

  • More than 80 new tests, bringing the total to 348.
  • Improved coverage of domains such as MMT, audio, ESG, AEA, watermark and content recovery, multi-period, multi-PLP, IMSC1 IT1 captions, app lifecycle, rating, signal signing, A/344 APIs.
  • An extended range of feature tags allowing manufacturers to configure the NextGen Certification statement (according to their receivers’ abilities and compliance requirements).
  • Continued alignment of certification test suite to A/300 specification.
  • Improvements to CTA NextGen TV Test Repository Portal search filtering to include domain and required features.
  • Support for embedded device browser Web Media API Snapshot (WMAS:2019) tests.

 The release has been built through an industry collaboration funded by CTA, NAB and Eurofins Digital Testing, with contributions from broadcasters, technology vendors and manufacturers to ensure streams are representative of real deployments, interoperable across devices and equipment and compliant to the latest ATSC 3.0 specifications.

The recent NextGen TV conference in Detroit demonstrated the fast pace of adoption in the United States with many new markets coming online in 2022, and CES 2022 had previously hinted at a number of new receiver vendors preparing devices for the market.

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