November 5 is the birthday of Dedo Weigert, Dedo Weigert Film GmbH

November 5 is the birthday of Dedo Weigert, CEO at Dedo Weigert Film GmbH.

TKT1957 wishes Dedo Weigert a happy birthday!


Dedo financed his studies by nightshift work in a factory and as a truck driver.
Worked in theaters as assistant director and actor.

Also as puppet player in a traveling puppet show for classical plays like Faust, Androcles and the Lion, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, etc.
Job as production manager in film production company.
Camera assistant for special projects, American Television (NBC specials).

1961 – Dedo built teleprompters.

Since 1963 – work as director of photography, mainly for NBC specials (1-hour films like the history of St. Petersburg, a day in Irkutsk, Siberia). Shot first western-made production on Russian Cosmonauts.

1963 – First own production, documentary about the history and the development of the Communist Party in Europe.

1965 – First work as DoP on feature film with Robert Taylor in Argentina. 150 5-minute commercials/infomercials for Shell Oil filmed in USA and Canada.
Documentaries as DoP, director and producer in over 40 countries, mainly for US Television.
Produced art films like Fra Angelico, Goya, Raffael.

1966 – Dedo exhibited at Photokina the first European-made fluid head, which, later on became a standard of the industry.

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