PANTALEON Films and ProU Producers United Film shoot “791 KM”


PANTALEON Films and ProU Producers United Film shoot “791  KM” tkt1957.comThe new “briX|” becomes a big cinema stage for the very first production: PANTALEON Films and ProU Producers United Film also shot in PLAZAMEDIA’s new briX| at AGROB Medienpark in Ismaning for their feature film “791 KM”.

Filming in Munich took place from the beginning of March to the beginning of April. In addition to the new XR LED Studio, at the main train station and in the “Wappenhalle” of the former airport in Riem, among other locations.

Powered by PLAZAMEDIA: Feature film “791 KM” is produced in the new briX|

During the shooting of “791 KM” in the briX|, the 120-square-meter L-shaped LED wall was fully integrated as the centerpiece of the new studio for the background motifs. A mobile LED reflection panel was used during the entire shoot to realize shot and counter-shot camera settings and to place reflections specifically on objects and actors. PLAZAMEDIA also provided technical and personnel support for the integration of external hardware into the briX| infrastructure, as well as all-round support from a briX| Manager and Virtual Production Expert. Thanks to the support of the Stage Manager, even short-term production-related requirements could be realized.

The story of the movie: “791 KM” – a turbulent cab ride from Munich to Hamburg

791 kilometers is the distance between Munich and Hamburg. You can cover it quickly and comfortably by train or plane – unless a storm paralyzes all connections. Like on this evening. On which Marianne (Iris Berben), Tiana (Nilam Farooq), Susi (Lena Urzendowsky) and Philipp (Ben Münchow) end up in Josef’s (Joachim Król) hotly contested cab. They don’t know each other, but they all have to get to Hamburg – and go on a nighttime journey together. In Josef’s cab, the most diverse personalities, life stories and views collide in the smallest of spaces. Here they argue, laugh, cry, make up, lie and tell the bitter truth – and with each of the 791 kilometers that the small community of fate comes closer to their destination, it becomes clearer that there is no such thing as the one and only truth, and that things are sometimes different than they seem at first glance.

The movie is directed by Tobi Baumann, Gernot Gricksch is responsible for the script and Philipp Kirsamer for the camera. “791 KM” is a production of PANTALEON Films and ProU Producers United Film in co production with Seven Pictures Film, Brainpool and Magic Media Production. The producers are Dan Maag, Marco Beckmann, Patrick Zorer and Kristina Löbbert, co-producer is Willi Geike (Producers United). The production is supported by the “FilmFernsehFonds Bayern”, the “Film- und Medienstiftung NRW” and the “Filmförderungsanstalt”“791 KM” will be released in cinemas on November 30, 2023, distributed by ProU Producers United / Filmwelt.

Patrick Zorer, Managing Director PANTALEON Films: “Due to the professional operation and the logistically good location, we were able to successfully produce a substantial part of our feature film ‘791 KM’ at the PLAZAMEDIA Studios in Munich. You can look forward to seeing this extraordinary cast in this extraordinary story on the big screen.”

PANTALEON Films and ProU Producers United Film shoot “791  KM”
Jens Friedrichs, Chairman of the Management Board of PLAZAMEDIA GmbH

Jens Friedrichs, Chairman of the Management Board of PLAZAMEDIA GmbH: “The production of ‘791 KM’ shows how impressive great cinema productions can look in our new XR LED Studio.

We would like to thank PANTALEON Films and ProU Producers United Film for their trust in us to realize the premiere production in the briX| just a few weeks after the studio opening.

Of course, my special thanks also go to our team for the dedicated realization of this project – creative, fast, flexible and with a lot of passion for outstanding productions!”


About briX| One of Germany’s most innovative studios

“Where Physical and Digital Worlds Meet“: The new briX| seamlessly combines real set architecture with virtual worlds via the LED wall and can be expanded into a 360° space via augmented reality. The studio set features a 24-meter wide and 5-meter high L-shaped LED wall. The outstanding viewing angle stability enables filming the LED wall even from extreme camera angles. In addition, reduced moiré patterns occur thanks to a pixel pitch of 1.9 millimeters. Another important feature for creative use is a virtual focus, which can be used to shift the focus from a real to a virtual object on the LED wall. For development and implementation, PLAZAMEDIA is intensifying its well-established collaboration with Mo[1]Sys, which, with its products “Startracker”, “Cinematic XR Focus” and “bMR”, is one of the market leaders in the industry and is constantly driving innovations with PLAZAMEDIA. Thanks to the real-time render engine (Unreal Engine 5.1) integrated in briX|, parameters such as time of day, atmosphere – for example sun, rain, snow or fog – are producible, reproducible at will and can be defined individually. When it comes to planning and implementing their studio projects, PLAZAMEDIA fully supports its customers with the extensive knowhow of its teams – consisting, among other things, of production management, graphics and XR experts, production and recording technology, audio engineering, decoration and stage construction, as well as the aforementioned “green consultants” to ensure sustainable production.

Open House “briX|” by PLAZAMEDIA

Thanks to these technical and economic advantages, the briX| offers almost unlimited application possibilities for innovative and sustainable productions. XR technology enables customers to stage their projects and brands in a novel and resource-saving way: The spectrum ranges from film and TV productions as well as broadcasts to corporate productions such as commercials or photo shoots to on-site, hybrid and virtual (live) events as well as presentations and trainings.

“Green Production” in Munich: Regarding sustainability, the new XR LED Studio sets standards

With productions in the briX| that can fulfill the sustainable specifications of “Green Motion”, PLAZAMEDIA can help its clients to reduce their carbon footprint: Specially trained and IHK (Industrie- und Handelskammer; Engl.: Chamber of Industry and Commerce) certified “Green Consultants Film & TV” advise clients on request right from the start of planning and implementing their projects. The use of green power, LED lighting and also the reduction of material, cast and crew transports to the location lead to significant CO2 savings at the XR LED Studio.

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