Plateau Virtuel upgrades to extended reality

The combined FLEX/SMODE xR solution works as an additional server on top of the existing Unreal/nDisplay set-up.

Paris-based virtual production studio Plateau Virtuel has upgraded to extended reality (XR) with the real-time compositing/media-server platform SMODE. The studio shoots films and video clips against LED screens using a camera equipped with a tracking system that works with Unreal Engine.

The content from Unreal (3x 4K in DisplayPort) is mixed in the SMODE xR compositing tool together with the four SDI inputs from the multicam.

Deltacast’s FLEX solution is employed for synchronisation and an end-to-end latency of just three frames.

“Our FLEX solution has been specifically designed to address these high-density requirements with multiple formats while requiring only one free PCie slot,” said Gerald Olivier, head of product marketing at Deltacast. “FLEX can even support up to 32 I/O on a single PCIe.”

According to the two companies, the combined FLEX/SMODE xR solution works as an additional server on top of the existing Unreal/nDisplay set-up, adding a layer of augmented reality and real-time final compositing.

Bruno Corsini, co-founder of Plateau Virtuel, said: “The way nDisplay operates with SMODE xR, via the FLEX solution, facilitates the workflow for any production that depends upon responsiveness and adaptivity. Thanks to this solution and the team, we could upgrade our virtual production facility with augmented reality, set extension and advanced real-time post processing. This definitely takes Plateau Virtuel’s offering to the next level.”

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