QTV Opens Remote Production Centre

QTV, the Glasgow-based outside broadcast facilities and production company, has opened its cutting edge remote production centre on the outskirts of Glasgow.

Clydesdale House will be home to the company’s expanded production offices and four state-of-the-art remote production galleries, each capable of delivering up to eight-camera broadcasts.

The centre will also host QTV’s dedicated MCR, post-production and off-tube commentary facilities, as well as flexible production spaces for the company’s digital and livestreaming operations. The expansion complements a similar growth of the company’s outside broadcast fleet.

The announcement comes after the Scottish FA revealed that VAR (Video Assistant Referees) will be introduced to Scottish Premiership football from October 21. The VAR operations centre will be based at Clydesdale House and is the final part of the centre’s operations to come onstream, following QTV’s move there in the summer.

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