Ray Quiñones Appointed as NAB’s Director of Government Relations

Ray Quiñones has recently become the new Director of Government Relations at the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), as announced by the organization.

Quiñones officially started his role at NAB on December 4, taking his directives from Shawn Donilon, the Executive Vice President of Government Relations.

NAB President and CEO Curtis LeGeyt expressed enthusiasm about Quiñones’ appointment, highlighting his extensive knowledge in legislative affairs, insight into broadcasting, and his valuable strategic connections. LeGeyt is confident that Quiñones will effectively represent American broadcasters in Washington, D.C.

Curtis LeGeyt

Before joining NAB, Quiñones was part of Representative Darren Soto’s (D-FL-9) team, a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. In this capacity, Quiñones offered policy advice and managed the whip operations for the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.

Quiñones has also contributed as a campaign manager and data director for Rep. Soto’s 2020 congressional campaign, having initially started his career as a staff assistant in 2019.

He is a holder of a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from the University of South Florida.

News source: https://www.nab.org/

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