Red Bee Media deploys Synamedia’s Quortex

Red Bee Media is using Synamedia’s Quortex just-in-time technology for disaster recovery for live streaming services.

 Quortex’s cloud-native solution provides back-up resources only when required, which the company says will help Red Bee reduce energy use and meet its sustainability goals. Red Bee has been a Quortex customer since 2018, using its just-in-time architecture to support hundreds of OTT services each month for video, live events and radio, said Synamedia.

It also deploys it to build streams on-the-fly, based on viewers’ locations, devices and time zones. The technology adapts to unpredictable infrastructure and audience demands by automatically scaling resources up and down, while taking advantage of spot instances that use spare cloud capacity at a lower than typical cost, yet maintaining the quality of experience for viewers.

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