Slovenian State Broadcaster Faces Financial Strain

The Slovenian state broadcaster, Radiotelevizija Slovenija (RTV SLO), is currently grappling with a severe financial crisis. It is expected to face a loss of €10.5 million by year’s end.

In response, the Board of Directors is considering several cost-cutting measures, such as canceling various TV and radio programs, reducing publishing activities, and cutting wages. They have also asked for a valuation of non-essential properties owned by RTV SLO.

Despite a revenue increase of nearly €1.5 million in the first nine months, primarily from selling Eutelsat shares, the broadcaster’s expenses surged by €4.8 million, leading to a loss of €7.2 million by September, exceeding the anticipated amount by €3.3 million. The year’s revenue is expected to fall short by €5.5 million, attributed to lower returns from the Eutelsat shares sale and unsuccessful real estate sales, with expenses likely to be €5.1 million over budget.

Zvezdan Martić

RTV SLO, which has acquired broadcasting rights for the European football championship and the Olympic Games, is struggling to fund these broadcasts, as noted by Board president Zvezdan Martić.

Additionally, RTV SLO announced it will shut down the MUX C digital terrestrial television network from February 2024, leaving MUX A as the only network covering Slovenia. This network was assigned to RTV SLO without a tender to fulfill public broadcasting service needs.

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