Saleh Agaev, ITV: We intensively use the virtual studio built in 2022

Saleh Agaev, İTV: We intensively use the virtual studio built in 2022 tkt1957.comTKT1957 review on the results of 2022 and the prospects for 2023, based on the opinions of leading technical managers in the film and broadcast industry.

Saleh Agaev, ITV technical director, Azerbaijan:

  1. When was the last technical upgrade, your company performed?
    In 2022, we built a virtual production platform in one of the studios. It is currently used for four programs recording and one live broadcast.
  2. Do you schedule the equipment purchase in 2023?
    We plan to expand and increase server capacity. We will develop high–speed live content transmission using IP–technology — delivery via internet, Wi–Fi or 3G/4G.

It will be possible to get acquainted with the broadcasting market of Azerbaijan in more detail in November 2023 at the international exhibition-conference Broadcasting / Cinema Azerbaijan.

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