September 7 is the birthday of Malaz Qassar, Sama art international

Malaz Qassar
Malaz Qassar Image source: Linkedin

Malaz Qassar is a QC editor and sound Engineer at Sama art international.

TKT1957 wishes Malaz Qassar a happy birthday!

Nov. 2017 – Present – QC Editor and Sound Engineer at Sama Art International
Sep. 2016 – Nov. 2017 – QC Editor and Technical Assistant at Tanweer Group
Dec. 2015 – Sep. 2016 – Freelance Sound Engineer at Twofour54 Abu Dhabi
Jul. 2013 – Jun. 2015 – Sound Engineer and Technical Assistant at Sama Art Production
Sep. 2012 – Jun. 2013 – Sound Engineer and Art Director at Sama Art Production

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