Tech Review: Exploring the Cinematic World with Sirui Venus 35mm t/2.9 Anamorphic Lens


The Sirui Venus 35mm t/2.9 Anamorphic Lens represents a significant innovation in the field of cinematography lenses, particularly for those exploring the unique aesthetic of anamorphic photography and videography.

Designed to cater to both professional filmmakers and passionate enthusiasts, this lens combines the traditional cinematic appeal of anamorphic lenses with modern optical engineering.

Detailed Features and Advantages

  • Anamorphic Aspect Ratio: The key feature of this lens is its 1.33x anamorphic squeeze factor, which enables the lens to capture a wider field of view horizontally. This results in a classic cinematic widescreen effect, highly sought after in film production for its dramatic and immersive quality.
  • Optical Quality: Sirui has equipped this lens with high-quality optics that ensure sharpness across the frame with minimal aberrations. The t/2.9 aperture allows for a shallow depth of field, creating a striking separation between subjects and their backgrounds, while also performing well in low-light scenarios.
  • Bokeh and Lens Flares: True to anamorphic tradition, the Venus 35mm t/2.9 produces distinctively oval bokeh and horizontal, streaking lens flares. These characteristics are a hallmark of the anamorphic look and add an artistic touch to footage.
  • Build and Design: The lens is constructed with precision, featuring a robust metal housing that can withstand the rigors of regular use. Its ergonomic design facilitates ease of use, and the focus and aperture rings offer smooth, precise control.
  • Versatility: While primarily targeted at filmmakers, this lens is also an appealing choice for photographers looking to experiment with the anamorphic format. It’s versatile enough for various genres, including landscape, street, and even certain types of portrait photography.

In-Depth Look at Competitors

  1. SLR Magic Anamorphot-CINE 35mm T2.4: This lens is a direct competitor, offering a similar focal length and anamorphic squeeze. It’s known for a slightly softer image and a more pronounced anamorphic character, which can be preferable for certain artistic preferences.
  2. Vazen 40mm t/2 Anamorphic Lens for Micro Four Thirds: Vazen’s lens provides a slightly different perspective with its 40mm focal length. Its 1.8x anamorphic compression is higher than the Sirui’s, producing more pronounced anamorphic effects, which might appeal to those looking for a stronger stylistic statement.
  3. Atlas Orion 40mm T2 Anamorphic Lens: A premium choice in the anamorphic lens market, the Atlas Orion offers exceptional build and image quality. Its price point is significantly higher, but it’s favored by professionals for its durability and outstanding optical performance.

User Experience and Applications

  • Ease of Use: The Sirui Venus 35mm is user-friendly, especially for those new to anamorphic lenses. It balances professional features with simplicity, making it accessible for a wide range of users.
  • Application in Film and Photography: The lens excels in creating a cinematic look in short films, music videos, and indie projects. Photographers can leverage its unique bokeh and flare characteristics to add a creative twist to their stills.


The Sirui Venus 35mm t/2.9 Anamorphic Lens stands out as a versatile, high-quality option for those seeking to explore or deepen their engagement with anamorphic cinematography and photography. Its balance of price, performance, and build quality makes it a highly competitive option in the market. While it faces stiff competition from brands like SLR Magic and Vazen, its unique blend of features and user-friendly design make it a compelling choice for a wide range of creatives.

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