Strada, a novel cloud platform enhanced by AI, is set to make its debut on February 1st.


Developed by Michael Cioni, an ex-employee of and Adobe, and Peter Cioni, a former Netflix executive, Strada is designed to transform media workflows for content creators. Its launch marks the beginning of an early testing phase, which will be detailed by its founders this Thursday.

First introduced in September 2023, Strada’s development journey was openly shared through the YouTube series “Building an Alpha”. The platform aims to leverage cloud technology and integrated AI tools to enable filmmakers to produce higher-quality content more efficiently. Strada’s automated workflow solution is intended to benefit a wide range of creatives, from Hollywood cinematographers to independent directors and YouTubers.

Core Features of Strada

Strada offers a variety of features to streamline media production. These include multi-cloud syncing, Multicam playback, automatic transcription and translation, transcoding, and AI-based tagging and analysis. The platform is designed to be customizable, allowing users to tailor workflows to their specific post-production requirements.

The Strada Beta Launch: A Look Back

Michael and Peter Cioni, both with extensive backgrounds in Hollywood’s technology sector, embarked on this venture after leaving their positions at and Netflix, respectively. They aim to tackle the workflow challenges common in film and video production, utilizing advancements in AI and machine learning to enhance cloud-based workflows.

The 4 T’s Concept of Strada

At the heart of Strada lies the “4 T’s” concept, addressing key workflow challenges:

  1. Transfer: Strada currently supports Dropbox, Google Drive,, and Lightroom, enabling users to manage media across platforms and plan future integrations.
  2. Transcribe: The platform’s AI can automatically generate searchable captions in over 100 languages.
  3. Tanalyze (Tag + Analyze): This feature allows for the automatic tagging of objects, people, locations, and emotions for easier searching.
  4. Transcode: Strada facilitates file exporting with appropriate metadata for editing and distribution.

Joining the Strada Beta Program

The Strada beta will be unveiled in Burbank, California, and streamed online via YouTube. Registration is required for virtual attendance, with the event scheduled for 9 AM (PST) / 5 PM (GMT) on February 1st.

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