Broadcasting / Cinema 2023 Kazakhstan: Unpacking the Post-IBC Revelations


The conference program “Broadcasting / Cinema 2023 Kazakhstan. Post-IBC” has been formed.

International Hybrid Exhibition-Conference Broadcasting / Cinema 2023. Post-IBC will take place on October 3-4 in Astana, Kazakhstan, at the “Қazmedia Ortalıǵy” venue.

October 3-4, 12:00 (UTC +6)

Program Highlights:

October 3, 2023

11:30 – 11:40 – Guest Gathering in the Conference Hall on the 21st Floor

11:40 – 11:55 – Welcome Address by Kanat Kasymzhanov, CEO of TOO Kazmedia ortalyǵy and Conference President Vladislav Bogushevich

12:00 – 12:30 “Etere is the Ideal MAM and PAM” by Speranza Mitsney, Business Development at Etere (offline)

12:30 – 13:00 “Intelligent Solutions for Future Broadcast Planning” by Evgeny Altshul, Head of Special Projects at BroadView Software (offline)

13:00 – 13:30 “Television 2023: New Technologies for Survival” by Alexander Aksyutic, CEO of QAZAQ MEDIA CORP (offline)

13:30 – 14:00 “PlayBox Neo Smart Media Multi-platform Channel Management“. Presenter – Plamen Chardakliev – broadcast engineer

14:00 – 14:30 Қazmedia Ortalyǵy: Application of Innovative Solutions in the Operation of the Country’s Main Broadcasting Complex (offline)

14:30 – 14:50 – Coffee Break

14:50 – 15:20 “Do We Still Need IP When We Have AI?” by Oleg Berezin, Chairman of the SMPTE Section, CEO of AO “Nevafilm,” Member of the Board of Directors of the European Digital Cinema Forum, Founder of the School of Television Engineers, Curator of the TKT Education Project (offline)

15:20 – 16:00 Panel Discussion: “Development of the Creative Industry.” Moderated by Ernar Baymoldaev, Technical Director of Channel 31

16:00 – 16:30 Panel Discussion: “New Media: Where Will Technology Lead Us?” Moderated by Alexander Aksyutic, CEO of QAZAQ MEDIA CORP (offline)

16:30 – 17:00 Panel Discussion: “Kazakhstan’s Film Industry in the Era of Another Technological Revolution”

17:00 – 17:30 TKT International Awards Ceremony for Achievements in the Development of TV, Media, and Film among Kazakhstan Companies in 2022-2023

17:30 – Banquet.

October 4, 2023

Excursions to the production sites of Kazmedia Ortalygy, Astana TV and Atameken.

Organizer: TKT1957 LLC
General Partner: Qualitron LTD
Media Partners: Cine Gear Expo, Қazmedia Ortalıǵy
Partners: Etere, BroadView Software, Playbox Neo
Conference President: Vladislav Bogushevich.

Format: Hybrid (offline and online).

Speakers: Equipment manufacturers, vendors, and system integrators.

Participants: Engineers from federal and regional television and media holding companies in Kazakhstan, communication operators, content producers and aggregators, video bloggers, internet streamers, technical service managers of sports facilities, concert halls, theaters, educational institutions, event organizers, top managers of system integrators, and vendors.


We invite speakers and participants!

Join online viewing:

Organizational matters:

Maria Vinnikova
mob. +905 360 184 349 Whatsapp

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