Vusal Mustafayev, ATV: In 2023, we plan to purchase new technological equipment for each quarter

Vusal Mustafayev, Head of IT department, Azad Azerbaijan TV &  Radio Broadcasting Company, Azerbaijan
Vusal Mustafayev, Head of IT department, Azad Azerbaijan TV &  Radio Broadcasting Company, Azerbaijan

TKT1957 conducts a traditional annual survey of leading companies and specialists in the broadcasting and film production market. What technologies did broadcast focus on last year, and what do TV and radio companies expect from the coming year?

Questions With Vusal Mustafayev, Head of IT department, Azad Azerbaijan TV &  Radio Broadcasting Company, Azerbaijan

 Q1: When was the last technical upgrade in your company?

A: The last technical improvement in our company was in November 2022.

Q2: Is it planned to purchase equipment in 2023?

A: In 2023, we plan to purchase new technological equipment for each quarter.

Q3: What key trends in the broadcast market of Azerbaijan in 2022 can you note?

A: Just simple , 2 keynote I can mention, 3 new radio station have been given license and All local TV channels are broadcasting only in FHD format on Satellite.

Q4: What TV technologies will be most relevant in 2023?

A: We, as a broadcaster, have the ability to broadcast from different locations via NDI. I think in 2023 this will be relevant for everyone.

Vusal Mustafayev is a regular participant of the Broadcasting / Cinema / Pro AV Azerbaijan hybrid conferences held annually by the TKT1957 in Baku. Hybrid Broadcasting / Cinema / Pro AV conferences were launched in 2022 to support the professional community interested in using progressive technologies for production and distribution.

Broadcasting / Cinema / Pro AV Azerbaijan will be held on November 21-22, 2023 in Baku, Azerbaijan. We invite participants and speakers, and we are also waiting for your authoritative opinions for the traditional poll at the end of the year. Answers can be sent to

Organizer Broadcasting / Cinema / Pro AV Azerbaijan – TKT1957 LLC

General partner Broadcasting / Cinema / Pro AV Azerbaijan – Qualitron LTD

Media partner Broadcasting / Cinema / Pro AV Azerbaijan – Cine Gear Expo 

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