MBC Upgrades Broadcasting Capabilities with WinMedia Technology

In 2023, the WinMedia team, consisting of Benjamin, Christophe, Adrien, Maxime, Philippe, and Coumarène, implemented their broadcast software and WinCam visual radio system at Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation (MBC).

Following a comprehensive international tender process, MBC selected WinMedia for this upgrade. The project primarily focused on enhancing the facilities at MBC’s main office in Moka and its broadcasting station in Rodrigues, located in the Mascareignes archipelago.

MBC’s Broadcasting Evolution in Moka and Rodrigues
Operating since 2011, MBC RADIO’s headquarters in Moka employs a team of 150, including about 30 radio technicians. These professionals manage recordings, routing, and technical assistance in both the control room and the Master Control Room (MCR). MBC runs 2 AM channels and 3 FM channels, offering content in French, English, Hindi, and Creole. The infrastructure at Moka features four open-space studios and three studios equipped with control rooms and guest sets. In Rodrigues, MBC operates an FM channel with two studios, including an on-air studio and a recording studio.

Collaboration Between MBC and WinMedia
Responding to MBC’s tender alongside Eurocom, WinMedia’s solution was ultimately chosen by MBC’s technical and financial leaders. WinMedia’s sales teams, familiar with MBC for over a decade, tailored their proposal to meet MBC’s specific needs. Benjamin Gianelli, WinMedia’s Project Manager, highlights the team’s preparedness and familiarity with MBC’s requirements. The project aimed to revamp the broadcasting park and studio equipment, offering a combined WinMedia/WinCam solution. Eurocom managed audio over IP, consoles, and studio refurbishments, while WinMedia focused on IT and network infrastructure, ensuring compatibility with DHD consoles.

WinMedia’s On-Site Implementation
Christophe Le Kouidec
, WinMedia’s Technical Director, recounts the swift establishment of a new network at Moka, featuring Category 6 cables and optical fiber connections between studios. A server room was set up to house the main and backup servers, holding the entire radio database and media files. Each of the nine studios at Moka received the WinMedia broadcast software and was equipped with 4K cameras integrated with WinCam software, facilitating automatic video production and real-time social media publishing.

Modernizing MBC with WinMedia Software
WinMedia installed four cameras in each studio and 13 broadcasting software systems, including two in Rodrigues. A direct link between Moka and Rodrigues enables seamless data exchange within the WinMedia system, streamlining processes like file transfers, which were previously done using physical hard disks. The innovative setup automatically detects speaking individuals, enabling technician-free on-air connections.

WinMedia Team’s Efforts in Mauritius
Adrien Mejane, a technician and WinCam specialist, notes that about ten WinMedia professionals were involved in the project, including trainers from La Réunion, Mayotte, and France, and installers. The team’s efforts were coordinated in stages, including installation, commissioning, support, and training, with local partners assisting in network setup.

A Monumental Project Site
Benjamin describes the project as extensive and challenging, especially during the busy summer period. The installation, starting on July 4 and concluding in early September, was one of the largest in WinMedia’s recent history, involving sixty user workstations and a hundred screens.

Preparatory Phases
Before the on-site work, months of preparatory planning were dedicated to the network component. Materials were coordinated with Eurocom for transport and shipped together to Mauritius.

MBC’s Positive Reception
MBC’s teams have expressed satisfaction with the new system and are considering adding more cameras. WinMedia’s modular design allows for easy expansion at a lower cost. Remote after-sales service ensures continuous support for MBC.

WinMedia’s Contribution to Broadcasting Modernity
WinMedia’s project with MBC showcases their capability to modernize national broadcasters without altering their fundamental on-air practices. This project demonstrates WinMedia’s expertise in providing customized, modular solutions for large international broadcasters.

News source: https://winmedia.org/

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